Friday, December 28, 2012

Coral Draw x4 Keygen: Download Free -Graphics Suite

How to Patch Your X4 Corel Draw Graphics Suite

  1. - Disconnect from internet (until activation is finished)
  2. - Start the setup
  3. - At installation choose "I have a serial number" and generate a key with the keygen
  4. - At the setup click on "Options" and deselect "Product updates"
  5. - After installation is finished activate the product via phone activation
  6.   copy the hardware code to keygen and paste the unlockcode from keygen back to
  7.   the app - voila!

NOTE: When install is running, keep keygen open and dont press generate a new serial,
      because the hardwarecode depends on the installation serial.
      Copy the hardwarecode without "-" to the keygen.
      For example, if your hardwarecode is: XXDW-IXV1-RN0I-3EUH-2U48 then copy
                                            XXDWIXV1RN0I3EUH2U48 to the keygen
Password Will Be When Opening the Patch File:

Download Patch


  1. Coral Draw X4 Keygen: -Graphics Suite ~ Patch Crack Keygen >>>>> Download Now

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    Coral Draw X4 Keygen: -Graphics Suite ~ Patch Crack Keygen >>>>> Download LINK

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